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How to Hit Irons: Pro Golfers Finally Revealed Their Secrets!

Last Update: June 21, 2023
how to swing a golf iron

Somebody once said no matter how good you are at hitting as a driver, if you’re unable to get that ball through the air, you’ll be marked out of play. The best iron players, however, know exactly how to set up, find and develop contact with their iron shots. A lot of gurus come with different lofts, so it would be a good idea if you practice some shots to get the best fit on your distance and lower your scores.

How to Swing a Golf Iron? – Complete Guideline

How to Swing a Golf Iron Complete Guideline

1. Mastering the Stance

As mentioned earlier practicing makes you better and nobody can become a master without being a servant. For you to get to the best level you must start low.

  • Start with your front foot slightly ahead of the ball

In a relaxed spot, your targeting foot should be marginally ahead of the foot that’s not shooting. Also, your feet are supposed to be pressing the ground to reduce unwanted pressure from hips and wrists. When you maintain your foot front ahead of that ball, you’ll be able to distribute your weight evenly between your knees flexed and your feet.

  • Get close enough to the ball

Take a step forward to approach the ball. You should be thinking of a 2 towards 3 inches within your front foot. Take a look at the total length of your swing and shorten or lengthen it according to your feelings. This is where your impact and feeling go together to bring that level of hit where you want to get the ball more left on the green.

  • Check your alignment

Despite you being a novice or an experienced player, alignment is a very vital factor in making accurate shots. Before you think deep, just begin by placing proper foot alignment by taking advantage of the alignment rod towards the ground. Keeping your shoulders and knees straight as you turn is also important, then use the club to push yourself over your feet into a natural (and more stable) spine position. This will get you used to where your swing should be and get your golf club head facing in the right direction.

  • Bend your knees slightly

It’s a common yet vital instruction that all golfer has always been told to do when addressing the ball. Knee flex will always help you to maintain a better mid-point posture that renders a player experience good swing without needing to change the leg position.

2. Getting a Grip

If you’re a novice the baseball grip that’s designed side-by-side is better as compared to the overlapping grip which is preferred by many pros. A firm grip implies a location towards the club that shows your two hands rotating on the sides of the trail of that gamer.

  • Hold the club with a relaxed grip

The aim has always been to get the best control and accuracy and the ability to perceive more distance. A lighter and relaxed grip will bring all these improved attributes together with little to no tension in your hands. To make a slight tap with the fingers as you bring the club back will help relieve any tension and also allow your hand to make a good, firm connection with the clubface.

  • Try the baseball grip

If a golfer wants to practice more control by getting his thumb to go down towards the shaft and between the palms of his fingers the baseball grip will assist for better results. By practicing to hold a golf club consistently, he can similarly move his hands freely. It will also help him avoid putting strain on the joints of his hands and arms.

  • Try the overlap grip

To accomplish this overlap grip just as you may have done with the baseball one, start by grabbing the club, slide the smallest finger that’s located towards your right hand and place it in the middle section between the index and center finger that is based on the left hand. Then, you can scroll your finger throughout until that grip feels convenient and you’re done.

  • Try the interlocking grip

Good deal for those with small hands interlocking grip stands to be one of the major ways employed when holding any club in the golfing industry. It simply implies that your two hands holding the clubs have been interlocked jointly, rendering the golf players a reduced shaft range as compared to incorporating a ten-Finger hold or grip.

  • Choose whichever grip feels the most comfortable

Softness and comfy might be talking now right? If yes, then grips that give tackier and stability when dealing with torsion control are what the player wants. Getting tight grip for tight shots and wider grip for controlled shots (is what you need to learn the right weight distribution for swinging your club) theirs no forcing any deal to anybody, only work with what fits you best.

3. Swinging the club

An easy method to get this better is by; grabbing the club in the middle of your thumb as well as your finger with the slightest means possible. Using the other hand, draw your club head to make sure the shaft has become horizontal towards the ground.

  • Start your backswing

You can begin by swinging that good club to a reasonably upright road. A much more straight swing will assist you in hitting the shot down and making perfect contact. Maintain a fast backswing with your body on your forefoot.

  • Follow through with your downswing

While striking the ball down, you should make sure that your hands are slightly holding the club. Here also you need to keep your body cool without rushing towards the front foot. The only difference is that you’ll be making some little divot off when you’re on a tight lie.

  • Lean the shaft forward towards the target right at the moment of impact

The result of making the shaft leaning forward will assist in ensuring that whenever there’s an impact, your hands will always be ahead towards the club that you’re using. This will simply imply that your club head will be hitting the ball before it ever gets the chance of moving towards the ground.

  • Remember to follow through

A positive follow-through is always representative of a good swing preceding it. However, this is much more vital than the making of normal how to swing a golf iron shots are rather, it’s a point where you can stand and analyze all the mistakes that have ever happened.

4. Correcting common problems

Head movement and balance have always been the top culprits when dealing with common problems. You can correct these problems by fixing the head problems of your tools and practice to perfect your imbalances.

  • Correct the slice

A weak grip can still be fixed though! Achieve this by using both of your hands to rotate towards the right for the club to face square towards the ball whenever there’s an impact.

  • Correct the hook

Even pro players unwantedly can get hooked up on this journey. Normally what leads to a hook is firm grips that affect your club for swivel. To make your hook better you can change your grip by increasing its body rotation to become more functional and keep exercising with accessories.

  • Correct swings that don’t hit the ball “squarely”

If you want to get the correct swing that will hit your ball towards the middle of your clubface, especially the ones whose clubface is square, you need to ensure that you have solid contact. To hit the ball well, you have to start by making sure that the contact in the driver shaft is going directly into the ground. The clubface should be square and your backswing should be straight, otherwise, you’re going to see the ball flight far away from the fairway.


1. How do I keep my head down when swinging?

Ans. Hold your head down and not to the side. This forces the club to come down at a smooth and consistent rate. In golf, alignment is the most important factor for the proper shot. You want your body to be pushed directly in the direction of your target line and the ball.

2. Should I try or avoid the one-plane swing?

Ans. First, check the accuracy of your shots, then consider the right angle and which club to use. A one-plane swing is more appealing as it has encouraging swing motion with fewer errors since parts that are moving are considerably fewer.

On the other hand, the two-plane swing requires some energy from your hands, arms, and wrists as compared to the other parts of your body.

3. Should I swing the driver the same as an iron?

Ans. Never function against the will of the club design by getting to swing your drivers with your irons in an identical manner. Learn to take the instructions that arrive with the club and let your driver perform simplistic golf swings whereas the irons will go for the sharp golf swings.

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