No matter whether you’re hitting a 9-iron from 100 yards or a 4-iron from 200 yards, hitting iron itself can make the difference between a good or bad round scoring.
Irons are clubs with small heads and shorter shafts whether made of graphite or steel, for mid-to-short range shooting in green conditions. You might like to ensure the right POC on the ball for a top shot.
So, how to hit golf irons the right way? Well, if you were advised before that didn’t work out, this guide is for you. Keep your eyes glued to know the expert’s giveaway on hitting golf irons properly.
How to Hit Golf Irons? – 3 Easy-to-Follow Methods
Method 1: Setting up Your Shot
- Positioning the ball
Pot the ball a bit ahead of the center of your stance. Place your dominant foot a bit close to the ball. You’re recommended to line up the ball a few inches left to the middle of your chest. On the other hand, if you’re left-handed, line the ball up to the right.
Do not position the ball forward to your front armpit or backward to your body center. Putting the ball in a bit more forward may result in sloppy fading shots and prevent chopping down.
- Stay close to the ball by leaning in slightly
Form a 50-degree angle roughly by bending your waist and keep your spine straight as much as possible. Make sure that your crown is linear to your hips and back while holding your head up and keep maintaining the angle until the ball leaves the club’s head.
Don’t forget to keep your shoulders and chest low throughout the swing while driving because irons are shorter compared to the woods.
- Ensure a comfortable amount of space
Leaving one hand width in between your body and your arm’s back is the rule of thumb. Being almost close to the ball can make you feel cramped as you’ll forcefully swing it in front of your feet. On the other hand, being far away can give you a more horizontal angle swing similar to a baseball swing.
Check your body space twice to ensure a fixed amount of space every time you shoot with the iron.
Method 2: Make Your Swing Perfect
- Make sure to hit the ball forward
Hit the ball forward by using a smooth and low swing. Help the ball meet in a shallow arc by letting it swoop down and reversing the direction. As the club’s head comes to a couple of inches close to the ball, move it straight ahead. Your wrists should remain locked till entering your swing apex. A perfect swing should feel controlled and fluid. Do not use the same intensity to attack the ball for a great drive.
- Tilt your body
Like a regular swing, your shoulders and head should remain behind the ball. This is how you can channel your moment into the ball. Make sure that the club’s face touches the down-right angle of the edge of the ball.
Form a loose curve on your body. Keep your right shoulder a bit higher if you’re a left-handed golfer and keep the left shoulder higher if you’re right-handed.
- Shaping the iron
Shaping your iron can help control the direction you shot better. Rotate the club’s head a few degrees right or left to influence the ball’s path according to your needs. Correctly shaping the iron can enhance the overall control and accuracy especially in hilly and windy conditions.
If you notice a bit bank on the left side, shaping the club to the left is recommended. Remember- this is an advanced process and you need to practice a lot to make it right.
- Maintain your posture
After you’ve learned how to place your head, shoulders, back, arms, and hips right, now make sure to keep them stay till the ball is clear of the club. Breaking down any part may result in a mishit.
Our recommendation for you is to practice freezing for 1-2 seconds to avoid the bad habit of coming out of position before you’re done.
Method 3: Using Your Irons Effectively
- Make the club lift the ball
Make the club lift the ball instead of forcing it into the air. One common habit among newbies is to attempt to scoop the ball. This will lead you to sacrifice the distance and accuracy. Firstly, you need to know what creates the lift. Of course, the clubhead. All you need to do is to focus on how to connect squarely and to push the ball forward. The iron itself will do the rest itself.
- Keep checking your divots
A perfect shot will always end up with divots that happen when the clubhead slices after hitting the ball. You’ll notice a piece of turf comes with the club’s head. This is the indicator of a precise swing. Divots will pop up after every shot once you master this.
- Know how to get out of a sticky situation
Irons whether soft stepping or not, are designed in such a way to lift the balls towards the ground. This will help you save the balls from hazardous courses including shallow water. So, make sure that your iron has a loft that is good for the severity of the terrains.
Clinging in a deep bunker? Well, you’ll find iron-like wedges that have heavy heads, short shafts, and high lofts to be used for “lob” shots in a short distance.
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