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How to Get Better at Disc Golf | A Beginner’s Guide

Last Update: June 21, 2023
how to get better at disc golf

Why Struggle With Disc Golf?

Lack of interest to read the rule book

You should be familiar with the rules formed by the Professional Disc Golf Association before you focus on gathering essential skills for disc golf.

One of the main reasons for struggling to improve your skills is the lack of understanding of the basic concept of the game.

You should obviously read the rule book first to get started. In this case, you can start reading the official guide from PGDA.

Incapable of throwing the straight

Are you struggling to throw the disc straight? If so, then you should overcome the situation as soon as possible.

You will get stuck in the same position with the incapability of throwing the disc straight. Learn throwing the straight to keep your skills one step forward.

Playing too conservatively

When practicing golf disc, conservatism is harmful at all. You can’t improve significantly by playing conservatively.

If you are still playing in a conventional way, keep yourself positive and confident to throw freely while practicing to improve consistency.

Getting frustrated

You are trying over and over again, but still facing problems, right? Failing so many times is one of the main reasons for your frustration.

You won’t reach your goal with frustration. That’s why I take a break for a while to take my mind off the frustration, and start again with new energy.

You will be able to overcome any problem with confidence and dedication. Your determination will help to substantially improve your disc golf skills.

How Long Will It Take To Become Good at Disc Golf?

“How long will it take before I’m good at disc golf?” is a common question among novice players.

You won’t find any exact answer to the question. How long you will take depends on so many factors.

With 2-3 years of consistent practice, you can get better at golf disc outstandingly.

You will require just a week to learn the basics. For achieving extraordinary skills, you need to constantly practice from the beginning of your journey.

Here is a data-driven chart below that depicts the overview of the different levels and skills according to PDGA (Professional Disc Golf Association).

Male Divisions

Experience Skills Drive Distance  Putting Level
Just got started learning Can throw backhand with minimal accuracy Around 175 ft – 250 ft Around 3-5/10 ft out of 20 ft Beginner
Around 1 – 2 years Exploring different skills Around 200 ft – 300 ft Around 4-6/10 ft out of 20 ft Recreational
Around 2 – 3 years Not mentioned Around 250 – 350 ft Around 5-7/10 ft out of 20 ft Intermediate
Several years of experience along with the participation in tournaments. Skilled at multiple shots Around 325 ft – 400 ft 5-7/10 ft out of 25 – 30 ft Advanced
Multiple years of tournament experience Skilled at a wide variety of shorts Around 325 ft – 400 ft 7-9/10 ft out of 25 – 30 ft Professional
Long years of tournament experience Can shot in any situation, and barely makes a mistake More than 350 ft Professional (Toppers)

Female Divisions

Experience Skills Drive Distance  Putting Level
Just got started learning Not mentioned Not mentioned Not mentioned Beginner
Still learning Not mentioned Not mentioned Not mentioned Recreational
Around 2 – 3 years Can throw backhand with less accuracy Around 125 ft – 200 ft Around 3-5/10 ft out of 20 feet Intermediate
Several years of experience along with the participation in tournaments. Proficient at  different shots Around 200 ft – 300 ft Around 4-6/10 out of 25 to 30 ft Advanced
Few years of tournament experience Not mentioned Around 250 ft – 325 ft Around 5-6/10 out of 25 to 30 ft Professional
Many years of experience participating in tournament Can throw both forehand and backhand Around 300 ft – 375 ft Around 6-8/10 out of 25 – 30 ft Professional (Toppers)

9 Tricks to Improve Your Disc Golf Game at Moderate Level

Determine the level of your expertise

Determining how good or bad you are at disc golf is really crucial to improve your skills to the next level.

You can figure out your level by taking a look at the charts above.

Watch youtube videos for initial preparation

You will find a large volume of instructional videos on YouTube. Many of these videos are highly effective to acquire different specific skills in disc golf.

Just get started from the basics, and keep learning new skills every day.

Set a realistic goal and commit to achieving it daily

No matter what levels you are in, you have to set a reasonable goal and achieve that by any means.

Daily practicing and achieving the pre-set goal will help to enhance your skills faster and better.

Maintaining regular practice

Although throwing a disc at a basket in a week or a month won’t make you a pro, you will be confident enough, at least, to improve your skill.

The truth is that the more you practice, the more you will learn.

Discing down

You need to disc down for quick and better improvement.

At least, you should have one disc down from the level of your current driver.

For novice players, it’s always better to start playing with mid-range discs or even lower ones.

Playing with one disc

A disc golfer usually requires 3 discs to practice.

You can practice with just a single disc.

Practicing with one disc is called a solo disc round, with which you can take advantage of improving forms and techniques.

Also, you can find out where you need to improve.

Playing a few rounds with just a putter will surely improve your skills.

Forget the trees and other obstacles

Trees and water near your practice area can be obstacles while playing freely.

The fact is that disc golf is a both physical and mental game. That’s why it’s better to keep yourself free of worry and stress when you practice.

Thinking about obstacles can cause you mentally stressed out.

For your betterment, forget about any obstacles when you do the practice. Just keep playing freely. You will see the expected improvement in your skills.

Record the score for the next time you play

When you practice each time, try to record your scores, and look at those before playing next time.

You can observe your daily progress looking at the scores of previous games.

The improvement in scores will motivate you to do better than the previous.

On the other hand, if there is any deterioration, you will be able to understand where you need to do well.

Commit to improving your score than the previous

You should always commit to doing better than you did previously.

The desire for improvement will move towards where you want to reach.

Keep practicing and find a professional mentor

Apart from the previous 8 tips, consulting with a mentor will remarkably progress your expertise.

You can hire a professional mentor or  join a clinic.

With the supervision of an authority or a specialist, you can flourish your talent faster and better.

10 Effective Ways for Taking Your Disc Golf Game to the Intermediate To Advanced Level

  1. Practice daily with a fixed goal to reach

You can skyrocket your proficiency in a pro-level by maintaining consistency.

You just need to set a goal daily and reach the goal at any cost.

In this way, your competency will grow constantly.

  1. Watch youtube videos daily for better improvement

You find a lot of essential and effective videos on YouTube. Search for specific ones, and improve like a pro.

Whenever you will find any difficulties, YouTube is always there to back you up with the most feasible resources and guides.

  1. Practice to be used to playing in windy environments

You have to practice more and more to get better control and consistency in windy environments.

Once you have got used to playing in such a harsh condition, you can consider yourself more than an intermediate-level disc golfer.

  1. Explore new courses

No matter where you are from, you will find some great courses to enroll throughout the world.

If you are from the United States, there are a variety of courses out there in every state.

You just need to explore the courses and enroll in those that will fit the most for better enhancement.

  1. Working in your comfortable technique

Practicing your comfortable technique over and over again will make you a pro.

Sometimes, you can even practice outside your comfort zone, which will keep you far steps forward than others.

Join the gaming community and befriend good players

If you really want to be a pro, you have to befriend other players in the community, especially those who are doing great.

When you have a group of expert friends, you will get many essential and practical tips from them.

No matter if you are an introvert or extrovert, try to increase your engagement in the gaming community, and make more new friends.

Become familiar with essential types of equipment for disc golf

Getting used to advanced-level disc golf equipment is crucial to becoming a pro-level player.

The list of the inevitable components should cover the following.

  • Carrying bag
  • Ball
  • Discs
  • Bug spray
  • Scorecard
  • Permanent marker
  • Shoes
  • Disc golf retriever
  • Towel
  • Snacks
  • Water bottle

Attending a golf camp

Your involvement with a camp will keep you always confident.

Also, you will get help whenever you face any difficulties.

No matter if you are in the intermediate or advanced level, you should keep yourself involved with a professional golf camp.

Participating in tournaments

Participation in tournaments will make you more competitive and professional.

You should participate in a variety of contests after acquiring enough skills.

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